
Stuff you better not say to your Friends 3/5

Here we have many funny and sometimes deeply shocking insights into things that shouldn't be said.

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Horizontal stripes make you fat.

I know, that`s why I don`t eat sweaters after 5 p.m.

"Kiwis with peaches, Schalalala! Kiwis with peaches, Schaaalalalaa!"
"Boa, can`t you shave your balls normally?"

Little toe hit door frame. Nothing stands in the way of a career as an opera singer.

You`re only an adult when you`re allowed to stay up late but can`t.

My son found a spider in his room. Showed him how a real man solves the problem: We've moved.

You're a bit crazy, aren't you?! Compliments won't get you anywhere with me!

Residual alcohol... if you slip in the shower after partying... and try to hold on to the water jet.

Why don't you answer your cell phone? Sorry had set to "listless" today.

If you have the choice between plague and cholera, always choose cholera! It's relatively easy to control with medication.

I thought a vasectomy would keep my girlfriend from getting pregnant. But only the color of the baby changes...

I finally dared to talk to a girl! I`m incredibly excited for February 30th.

I protect the environment! I separate alcohol from the glass!

A: "Where are you?"
B: "In Greece"
A: "I`m in France right now."
B: "I`ll be with you in 10 minutes!"

Europe Park!

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