
Stuff you better not say to your Girlfriend 3/6

Here we have many funny and sometimes deeply shocking insights into things that shouldn't be said.

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Married women are rarely kidnapped because no one is sure the ransom will ever be paid.

The deadliest sound for men is a woman's silence.

Nothing says sexy like a woman who can easily carry a 4th floor crate of beer!

A woman`s superpowers are:
Twisting words, looking innocent, boobs.

Girlfriend: "But you smell good today!"
Friend: "Residual alcohol!"

Would you wear socks if you didn`t have feet?


Then why are you wearing a bra?

"Don`t forget to put the toilet seat down!"
"No one likes you, damn lid!"

When your girlfriend says she`s not angry, it`s the same as when the dentist says you won`t feel anything.

I may not be funny, athletic, or good looking, but I forgot what I was getting at.

Do you know the difference between my jokes and my penis... no one laughs at my jokes.

Lying in bed with stomach ache, hot flashes and nausea. Google says I`m pregnant... yay I`m gonna be a dad.

Honey, the eggs!

I don`t really like partner looks, but NAKED is fine!

more on the subject Girlfriend