
Stuff you better not say to your Boyfriend 2/3

Here we have many funny and sometimes deeply shocking insights into things that shouldn't be said.

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I don't care if men like women with a snake figure - a pizza is much hotter than such a superficial lackey!

When women say "awesome he's huge" during sex, you shouldn't take it too seriously, they say the same thing about tiny spiders.

I always press the button several times at the traffic light. Then she turns green faster because she thinks there are more people standing there. I genius.

"I`m not going to talk to you anymore?"
"Why? Are you offended?"
"Why then?"
"You know that very well!"

I`m already looking forward to my wedding - I`ll have the privilege of being the first to storm the buffet!

I guess it depends on the length! At least at the weekend!

You are like your mother...

You didn`t even realize that I lost 2 kilos.

You weren`t my first choice, but the *** is already in a relationship.

I hate my thighs...

Have you heard that Claudia is pregnant... but pssssst!

My ex always did that too.

Why do I always have the last word? How should I know that you can`t think of anything anymore?

more on the subject Boyfriend