
Stuff you better not say to Blondes 2/4

Here we have many funny and sometimes deeply shocking insights into things that shouldn't be said.

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What is the difference between a blonde and Tetrapak? – Tetrapak is kind of clever!

What does a blonde who hit a tree with her car say? – “But I honked!”

What does a blonde say when the water is up to her navel? This is beyond my wits now!

Passenger: Where is platform 5 here? Railway official (blonde): I think between 4 and 6.

Why is the blonde trying to climb up a pane of glass? – She wants to know what`s on the other side.

Why did God create blondes? - Well, chickens and rubber dolls can`t get beer out of the fridge!

What does a blonde say when she sees a banana peel lying on the street five meters in front of her? – "Shit, I`m about to fall down again!"

Why is it cheap to have a blonde passenger? – You can use the disabled parking spaces.

Why do blondes never call the police in an emergency? Because they can`t find the 11 on any key.

How do you drive a blonde crazy? – You give her a pack of M&M and tell her to sort them alphabetically.

What do you get when you cross a blonde with a gorilla? Nothing, because there are things you just can`t force a gorilla to do.

How do you make a blonde laugh Monday morning? Tell a joke on Friday night.

What is a blonde on the moon? - A mystery. What are all the blondes on the moon? - The solution.

more on the subject Blondes