
Stuff you better not say during Sex 3/13

Here we have many funny and sometimes deeply shocking insights into things that shouldn't be said.

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There is hot sex, fast sex, hot sex, cuddling sex, safer sex, group sex, leather sex, phone sex and for people your age: no sex! Too bad actually.

Men wear pants, but women say which ones.

My sex life is super. For example, I just slammed the door.

No one stays a virgin - fate f***s everyone.

"Do you know about sex?" "Clear. Peel off the foil, dip the spoon in and enjoy.. no, wait, that was Nutella.

Boys have the smallest garden in the world. Two small potatoes, a carrot, some parsley and a mega treat when a snail comes by.

Christopher Columbus was an amateur, find the G-spot first, then you are a real explorer.

you there me here We`re changing that. At 20:30 sex with me!

Am I too heavy for you, darling?" “No, I always turn blue when I`m horny.

Whoever squats lures, whoever stoops, delights, whoever spreads, irritates.

Foreplay for the woman: enormously important and sensual, indispensable. For him: half an hour begging.

Sex isn`t everything in life, but in a life without sex everything is kind of stupid.

So anyone who says the best thing about sex is the cigarette afterwards is doing something wrong. I mean who can hold a cigarette after good sex?

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